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The Story Behind the Project

Lights. Camera. Action! 
The project started in november 2018; it was first planned to be a short film, but gradually evolved into an international bilingual feature film (english and italian).
A is for Alice puts together talents originating from  8 countries (Italy, United States of America, China, France, Belgium, Democratic Republic of Congo, The Saharawi and Lebanon) and is a dystopian/Sci-Fi drama.

This project is very special to us, not only because it is set in a not so unrealistic dystopian near future, but also because it reflects many of the struggles that we, as a human kind, are socially facing right now: isolation,  social distancing, climate change, serious lack of environmental resources, technological overload, lack of communication (especially among youngest generations), alienation.

'A is for Alice' has a message, and it speaks to all of us. Right now you may be asking yourself “But who is this ‘Alice’? And what does it have to do with isolation and climate change?”  - Don’t worry, everything will be explained.

The project stars Valerio De Prosperi, Sabine Pendry, Alessia Pelagatti, Craig Peritz, and many more.

More infos are on their way, stay tuned!
Sharon Grace Badia - A is for Alice film - Sabine Pendry - Alessia Pelagatti
Valerio-De-Prosperi - A is for Alice film - Sabine Pendry - Alessia Pelagatti
Sharon Grace Badia - A is for Alice film

Sharon Grace Badia

Sharon Grace Badia is an italian film director, scriptwriter and producer.

She graduated in Film Direction and Scriptwriting at RUFA (Rome University of Fine Arts) in 2019, studying with professors such as film director Susanna Nicchiarelli (Nico1988, Miss Marx), scriptwriter and producer Giacomo Ciarrapico (Boris), writer Elisabetta Villaggio, scriptwriter Christian Angeli, and argentine film director Andrés Rafael Zabala. She's been very passionate about arts and cinema ever since she was a kid, starting at a very young age to take acting classes, art classes, and then graduating in Graphic Design and Filmaking in high school. She's a "second generation citizen", since her grandparents moved to Europe in the 1960s and came from Democratic Republic of Congo.

Bio Sharon

My Story

Every website has a story, and if you are reading this, that means you want to hear mine.
Being different never scared me, I've never been afraid to expose my individuality. Why? Because I didn't have the opportunity to "fit in" in the first place, to actually feel what many of those  judgmental, but ordinary,  people that judged me by the way I looked, was feeling.

Growing up in a place with a majority of people with a different skin color than mine made me learn hard lessons very soon.

I've met wonderful people in my life, but also horrible and superficial people. They were all living together,  like a mixture, a strange melting pot. Perhaps they were preparing me for the paradox of life: there are horrors and wonders all around, one should choose what to look for.

Being a "black italian" was odd and illogical when I was a kid.

Maybe black and immigrant, perhaps black and disembarked from illegal boats, but not black and italian.


We now live in extraordinary times, where everyone can be a citizen of the world, everyone can shine in their own differences and peculiarities, and everyone can live the way they want, embracing their passions and channelling them into their dream job.

So why not a young black italian female director? Why wouldn't she do her own debut feature film despite all the criticism and the male prevalence in the film industry?  We only live once. Sky is the limit!

Valerio De Prosperi

Valerio De Prosperi is an italian actor and producer.

He graduated at the "Accademia Fondamenta" Acting School in Rome, Italy, where he followed a five-year journey of seminars, workshops, and acting classes for both theatre and film. He then took a 2 year course of  "Acting in front of the Camera", held by italian director Francesco D'Ignazio.


Bio Valerio

My Story

Acting taught me how to listen and understand my body, my emotions and other people.


It gave me the opportunity to let go of insecurities and society conditionings by discovering my personal uniqueness and truth. It made me destroy mental and physical boundaries with actions and imagination.

The making of this movie was, to me, like a fantastic and frightening creature that brought us incredible suffering and, at the same time, joy. A creature that has often scared and threatened us, but that, in the end, revealed itself as our bigger teacher.

Beyond judgments, obstacles and struggle, this adventure amazes me and makes me discover how many incredible hidden qualities and strengths I have inside of me.

take a look at the cast

Take a look at the cast.

Italy. US. The World! 
Valerio De Prosperi
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Alessia Pelagatti
Sabine Pendry
Jennifer Khater
Mariam Ouadadi
Sharon Grace Badia - A is for Alice film
Sharon Badia
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Annalisa Zhang
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Matthew Tucker
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Marco Golinucci
Craig Peritz
Anita Tenerelli
Mattia Parrella
Laura Montanaro
Giacomo Duca
Shannon Riccio
Colleen Martou
Lucia Andreozzi
Marzia Bandoni
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Did you know?
The majority of the cast
is female
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